Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Creative Advertisements

Interesting and Creative Ads.

Firstly, what is advertisement?

Based on my knowledge, advertisement is a form of communication that delivers messages to the audiences and for the purpose of persuading the audiences to take some actions. Normally, a advertisement need a medium for them to convey the messages. The medium can be anything, on a empty wall, bulletin board, newspaper, television, radio, internet and others. However, a medium is just to help by placing the advertisement where the audiences can see, feel and listen to.

Besides, the more interesting and creative ideas of the advert, the better the chances to attract more audiences' attention. There are a few interesting and creative ideas that being convey into the advertisement below.

JAWS as a poster at railway station. (Film Festival)

Ads by NIKE shoes.

Ads for travelling zoo on a bus.

Ads from Kit-Kats.

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